Naturists in the Hudson Valley
One of the first questions we often get askes is "is nudity legal in New York?", "Where can you go nude in the Hudson Valley?", and "are there nudists in New York?" The truth is, New York has a rich community of nudist and naturists who enjoy the freedom the nudist lifestyle brings.
Naturism is a lifestyle choice of practicing social nudity in private and in public; naturism also refers to the cultural movement which advocates a nudist lifestyle. Whether you’re simply curious about skinny dipping in a lake, frolicking on a nude beach, hiking bare naked through the woods, or if you want to experience nude in a mixed social settings, there are many ways for you to discover the fun, relaxing, and liberating clothing-optional world right her in the Hudson Valley and tri-state area. As a sought after nudist photographer, North River Photography can help you arrange the perfect nude-in-nature photoshoot.
Topless Laws in New York
First, it must be noted that, with a few exceptions, full nudity in public is against the law. Being topless in public, however, has been legal for both men and women (including in New York City) since 1992. The New York “Exposure of a person” law under Penal Code 245.01 originally included the female nipple when describing body parts that made it a crime to be shown or exposed in public. For reasons not readily apparent, the exposure of a man's nipple was never an issue. The only exception to the Penal Code was public breastfeeding. In 1992, however, the Court of Appels (New York's highest court) ruled in People v. Santorelli that the application of the law was unconstitutional. The court decision can be accesses here:
The ruling in Santorelli has opened the doors to all women in New York who chose to reject the restrictions imposed by society that delegates a woman's breasts to something to be shunned and avoided. It also is the basis for the cottage industry that has developed in Times Square (good or bad) of the "painted ladies" hitting up tourists for a few dollars. Because the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. and New York State Constitution protects a woman's right to bare her breasts in public (just as a man may), naturalist photography is no longer hidden in the shadows. Just as a man can be photographed anywhere in public wearing nothing but a speedo, a woman can also be photographed in nothing but a thong bikini bottom. This includes everywhere from a secluded waterfall, a city rooftop, or the middle of Times Square. As with men, however, full nudity is still prohibited in public outside of certain areas.

Where Can I Be Nude?
These "certain areas" where you can be completely nude in New York include private land and public nudist areas. The Hudson Valley is rich in both private lands and venues that accommodates nudists and naturists, and public nudist areas. In order to avoid controversy, however, these areas are not always advertised nor well known. North River Photography's long history of taking nudist photos have allowed us to compile a long and varied list of beautiful locations for staging a nudist or naturist photoshoot. Below is a useful link for nudist venues and nudism societies in New York.
Autumn chill in the air

Summer waterfall

Sunny field

Caught in the rain

What is the Naturist's Philosophy?
While there are many types of nudists from all walks of life, the essence of being a naturist is the pleasure of being nude in nature. Nudity and nature go hand in hand. For many people, its a summer experience that is enjoyed on rare occasions. For others, it's a philosophical choice to experience the freedom of nudism and to become more one with nature. The essence of naturism is ones self. Without clothes, a person has no where to hide, they cannot put on a mask of wealth or power, or disguise who they are. It's a pure natural state, which feels - at first - very unnatural. It goes against what we've been taught, what we learned, and how we live the majority of our lives. Many naturists relish in the natural feeling that being nude in the wild brings forth. Less worldly pressure, less worrying about outfits and fashions, and freedom that comes with being natural.
Many nudists enjoy many favorite activities and celebrate events among their likeminded nudist friends and family, just as they would with their more clothed friends and family. Whether its a nudist birthday party, anniversary celebration, engagement, or wedding, the only difference is the natural connection to nature in a clothes-free environment. What surprises most people new to exploring nudism, is the complete range of people who enjoy the lifestyle. They come from all walks of life, come in all ages, have wide range of educational levels, and have chosen diverse career paths. They are, what some would call, just normal folks.

Why hire a Nudism Photographer?
At North River Photography, we appreciate that unlike other passions, hobbies, or interests, there is little opportunity to capture your naturist's interests with a professional photographer. Every golfer has photographs of him or her playing golf at a tournament, and probably a trophy or two, or a ball to remember a course or game. Every cook has photographs of them whipping up a favorite meal, probably posted on Facebook.. Every artist or musician has recordings and videos of their performance, and can hire a professional photographer to capture them on stage. Why not have professional photographs capturing this aspect of your life, or this truly unique experience?
Whether you practice nudism year-round, on a monthly basis, or just occasionally (or if it's your very first time), top quality photographs of you enjoying this aspect of your life is just as meaningful and specials as your more clothed activities. Indeed, the more rare the occasion, the more memorable and special the photographs. If you go sky diving once in your life -- be sure to get some great photos! Same idea. Memories fade, but your private photographs never will. An experienced naturist photographer can also help you find the perfect spot for your photoshoot with all the attributes you'd like.
Nudist in a lake

Nudist wedding and engagement

Nudist in a stream