Is Boudoir or Nude Photography Right for Me?
We perform many types of photo sessions, from high-end fashion, special events, family keepsakes, and portfolios. And while each session will create beautiful photographs, the benefits of nude or boudoir photography is that it is about YOU!
There are many reasons why nude and boudoir photography is growing for both men and women of all ages. While everyone has their own reasons, here are but a few reasons EVERYONE, men and women, should do a boudoir or nude shoot at least once!
It's About You
A boudoir or nude session gives you a chance to do something for yourself—to enjoy a little pampering and boost your confidence and self-esteem. It allows you to capture your beauty and will make you feel fabulous. For some, its a bit naughty. You spent your life covering up and may have been told by society that nudity is shameful and exposure of your body should cause you to feel shame and embarrassment. A nude or boudoir shoot allows you to break out of your shell and take control of your body. Each boudoir shoot is unique, just like you, showing the many sides to your unique personality (bold, romantic, sensual, etc.).
The first thing you'll discover is how easy it is to be nude and exposed. Time and again, clients are surprised how comfortable they are being nude or semi-nude around a professional photographer. While the first nude or boudoir shoot may sound intimating, you will undoubtedly feel comfortable and free within a very short time. We prepare for the shoot and discuss with you what to expect in advance of the shoot, and the only surprise you'll encounter is how much fun you'll have during the shoot. For many, the experience of enjoying the shoot and feeling the freedom that comes with it makes it all worthwhile - the wonderful photographs capturing your session is the cherry on top.

It's Fun
It's FUN to create boudoir and nude photographs. The experience of not just being a part of the art -- but being the art itself -- is unlike any other photographic experience. The time you spend at the photo session will be as memorable an experience as the resulting photographs themselves. The one constant with every boudoir or nude photo session is the smiling. Whether you shoot themes are glamour, silly, serious, or will undoubtedly be a fun time.

It's FUN to finally wear the lingerie that has been sitting your drawer with the tags still on them. You'll have the perfect "excuse" to step out of your comfort box and try something new!
You pictured yourself looking sexy. sultry, and desirable when you choose those sexy shorts, that baby doll outfit, or the cute the body revealing lingerie. Take that same excitement you felt and the beautiful idea you had in your head and turn it into reality.
You have seen the beautiful models in the magazines or the catwalk proudly strutting their sexuality without apologizes. You can too. It's FUN to live the life and experience the attention that those models showcase and tout, if only for an hour or two during your shoot. You are worth it!
It's FUN do try something new. It's even more exciting if you are the "last person" anyone would every think would have a boudoir or nude shoot. Introduce yourself to the new you. The adventurous one who exceeds expectations and lives their life beyond the boundaries and expectations of those who think they know your "type."
It's FUN to live a day you will always remember. You may not know what you on today's date last month, but you will remember your shoot. Not just because you'll have the beautiful photographs to remember it, the experience itself will be the highlight of your week.
It's Empowering
For many individuals, posing for nude photography can be a way to embrace and celebrate their own bodies, promoting self-confidence and body positivity. Not only will you love how you look in the photographs -- the shoot itself will be empowering.. Knowing that you can be comfortable in your own body is a step many men and woman find hard to believe. Boudoir photo shoots encourage you to love and embrace your body and have a new appreciation for yourself just they way you are.
You will feel empowered, way more self confident, and more connected with yourself! You'll discovery that no one has the power to judge you, unless you give them that power over you. By claiming your own body, you take back the power to judge you. If the shoot itself is not empowering enough, your photographs will be prove to yourself that you are beautiful nude. Finally see yourself as your spouse orintimate partner does.
Imagine discovering that your grandmother posed for nude photographs when she was younger. You'd look at her differently, correct? No longer merely an old woman who gave birth to one of your parents, you'd see her younger self, strong, proud, independent, living her life without regrets. You'd see that she has a life full of stories and experiences. Now imagine your shock and pride if you discovered your grandmother posed nude not years ago, but days ago. Choosing to be comfortable in your body is empowering and inspirational. It is never too late, and you are never too old to be the inspiration for others.
It takes courage to pose nude. It’s normal to be nervous about the experience, but the pride you will rightfully feel when you walk out of the studio and see your photos will be admired by those closest to you.
Nude Photographs Are Timeless
Nude and semi-nude photography concentrates on a model's appearance and presentation rather than the clothes the model may or may not be wearing. It is about creating provocative images, with attitude, eroticism, mood, and sometimes nothing more than a particular look in a model's eyes.
Glamour nude and semi-nude photographs are timeless - they will never look "out of style," and their beauty will endure 30, 40, or even 50 years from today. The fashion of today may look silly or inane in the future (think 80s fashion), and will certainly look dated. Unfortunately, when the fashion is so dated, the photograph loses focus. It is no longer a photograph of a person, it merely becomes a representation of an outdated fashion. The staleness of the photograph takes the focus away from the original intent of the photograph. Nudes, however, will continue to look fresh well into the future. While hairstyles may change, a well done nude or boudoir shoot will keeps its original beauty for many years to come.
Have you ever look at that great photo of you taken years ago. You were beautiful and the camera really captured that beauty. Instead of seeing that beauty, however, the outdated fashion, the cringeworthy makeup colors and jewelry, and those "hi-tech" accessories that were so cool, now look dreadfully outdated. Capture an incredibly stunning photograph of you that will remain stunning and enticing for years to come.

Anyone Can Do It
Boudoir is for EVERY body - you are not too ANYTHING.
There are no height, weight, or age restrictions. All those ever-changing rules and styles that are associated with the world of fashion simply do not apply. You do not need to spend money on high-priced trendy clothes that will be passé in a few years. In a sense, it is perhaps the most democratic form of modeling in the industry that exists -- everyone can create beautiful artistic photographs.
Everybody -- and every body -- is beautiful. For many, its an eye-opening experience to work with a professional photographer to capture the beauty of your nude or exposed body.
It today's photoshopped and photo "filter" world, it can be difficulty for some people to look in the mirror and see the beauty of a real person. While we will help you pose to accentuate your body and use lighting techniques to highlight your form, your beauty is not fake, and neither are our photographs. Trust us to bring out the beauty of your body and capture your true self.

It's A Wonderful Creative Outlet
Nude photography can be used as a form of artistic expression, showcasing the beauty of the human form and body in a tasteful adn aesthetically pleasing way.Moreover, when freed from the constraints of traditional standard portraits, you open up a world of possibilities for creative and artistic photographs. You are unique - your photographs should be too! Nothing brings out your personality like a personal boudoir or nude shoot. By leaving behind the distractions of fashion, you alone are the art. Once you open the door to being the center of the art, the possibilities are endless to arrange a shoot to fit your style, personality, or spirit.
It's Easy
It's also easy and takes little effort. It's the rare and exciting experience that you can experience without leaving your house (or even getting dressed). You don't need to plan a trip, back a bag, travel across the country, make necessary arraignments, buy anything, or do much of anything to prepare. You already have everything you need to make beautify boudoir or nude photographs.
We can arrange a shoot in your home or backyard, and have fully portable lighting systems, smoke machines, bubble machines, projectors, and everything else you will need to have your perfect photo session at your convenience.
Now it the prefect time for your shoot, because a boudoir shoot is great to do any time of year! Whether its a gift, or celebrating a milestone like getting engaged or married, or celebrating a fitness goal, or simply for a self confidence boost and just plain fun, now is the perfect time for your shoot. Even if you'd like an outdoor shoot, nothing beats a beautify nude or boudoir shoot outdoors in the spring, summer, winter, or fall. The Hudson Valley is full of scenic locations that would make the perfect seasonal backdrop for your shoot. Winter snow fall and mountain tops, spring showers, flowers, and abundant greens, summer beaches and waterfalls, and autumn's colorful leaves, there simply is no bad time for an outdoor shoot.
To further explore creating beautiful unique photographs, please contact us at North River Photography to arrange for a free consultation to discuss your photographic desires.
You Are Ready Now
Nudes and boudoir are the most captivating way to be photographed - right now where you are in your journey. Nevertheless, every boudoir and nude photographer has had long discussions with client who have great ideas for an amazing shoot. Themes were discussed, props were arranged, studio setups were sketched out, lighting sequences were planned out...only to be told that the client wants to lose a few pounds before the shoot. Weeks turns into months, months turn into years, and years turn into that lingering regret that you always wanted to try that great idea you have for boudoir or nude shoot, but never did it. Its that regret that you wish you did it years ago, when you were younger thinner, more muscular, etc. The truth is, a nude or boudoir shoot is about you today, grabbing life by the horns, and living for today. It is not about tomorrow any more than it was about yesterday.
You will be blown away with how good you look nude or semi-nude. You will see how gorgeous you really are nude and it will put a little smile on your face knowing your secret.
Everyone has insecurities. Even the tallest and thinnest supermodel on the most exclusive magazine cover has insecurities. Those dissatisfactions can get the better of us when we unknowingly start to obsess over them and forget our other natural beautiful assets. A boudoir photo shoot can be just the thing to remind you that you are beautiful just as you are.
But what if I look better next month than I do now? Great, then we'll have two boudoir or nude shoots, one now, and one in a month. Once you realized how much fun it is, and you see the beautiful photographs, you'll want another shoot anyway. And least you forget, posing, lighting, and selectwardrobe are key at showing off your favorite features in the most amazing ways. We can do more with posing and lighting than you would think.

As we get older, its natural to look back at photographs of our younger selves and only then realized how good looking we were. You'll feel the same in the future when you look back at photographs of yourself today. Some people wished they took nude and boudoir photographs when they were younger, and think its now too late. They will think the same in 10 or 20 years from now, and wish they had a nude or boudoir photo session today.
No Pressure
Short and simple - you will never be pressured into doing something you’re not comfortable with. Period. You will talk with your boudoir photographer before your session and discuss your expectations of what will happen during the session, what you are comfortable with doing, and what your boudoir photographer is comfortable photographing. That way you both go into your boudoir session with a clear understanding of each other’s boundaries and expectations. You will discuss your vision for your photo session, including what story you want your images to convey, as well as the level of nudity and the level of sexuality you want to show in your photos.